Saturday, August 28, 2010

The start of an Adventure

The adventure of weight loss is what I am talking about. Shockingly enough I am sitting at the weight that I was when I found out I was pregnant back in March of '09. I did loose most of the baby weight I had right after Kason was born. But I am determined to loose the rest and to be able to fit back into my size 6 jeans that are currently sitting in a closet. Right after Basic Training and AIT I weighed 130 pounds. It was great and I felt amazing. Im not to sure what happened to that, I mean I gained it all back long before getting pregnant. In order for me to meet the Army Standards in any case I have to be back at 130 so not only will I be benefitting myself in this I will also loose the fear of being "flagged". I am not someone who likes being "forced" to exercise and told what to do with my eating habbits. It frusterates me even more. But currently I am being forced by my NCO.

In 2 weeks I have to take a PT test. This will be my first PT test in almost 2 years. I have to be able to do at least 18 pushups, 60 something sit-ups, and a 2 mile run in a little more than 18 min. I am not going to kid myself right now by saying that I will pass it because I wont. Its not about putting myself down as some may thing but its being realistic. I can hardley run a mile without wanting to die and my upper body strength is really not that great either. Sit-ups have never been a huge problem for me though. I am determined though to pass a PT test before November, my unit will have me take one every month until I do.

How do I plan to fix both the problems of weight loss and passing a PT test. Well thats simple. For one change my eating habits yes they do suck and its going to be hard. I am not one who like to cook food and then have it go to waste, because lets face it. Theres not to many meals out there that are home cooked for one person or one and half being that Kason is slowly starting to eat table foods. I will be seeing a nutrionist tmwr...and I guess I will see what they tell me. I am an extremely picky eater so its going to be harder than most I think. I am also planning to cut out all soda from my current diet starting tomowrow. I am not dependant on it and I dont drink it everyday but I do drink it more than I should. My next step is to push myself to work out more. My NCO is already going to be making me do push-ups and sit-ups everyday before I leave for lunch to go see Kason and also before I leave for the day. But I also plan to put my self in the gym more and make more use of the treadmill to help my run. You can also find my next week running around the PT test track. I am also hoping to find a babysitter for Kason on Tuesday and Thursday nights so that I can do Zumba which I really enjoyed the first time I went even though I have no rythem.

Well the journey begins at 165 pounds and hopefully will soon end at 130 pounds. Only 35 pounds to loose, I know I can do it...just need the support and motivation.


  1. Have no doubt girlie, that you have LOTS of support from me! I have been where you are and I know the roller coaster of emotions you go through when someone thinks its ok to tell you that you weigh too much and you have to lose X ammount of weight. IGNORE them!!!! When you listen to them it doesn't help! The only person that will lose the weight is you! They are not going to be at ur dinner table telling you what not to eat and they are not going to be watching Kason so that you can work out at the F* them! This needs to be about you, and feeling good, and achieving goals!

    You are my girl and I want you to be happy, and if the Gym tells me that I can get 60 some-odd pounds down by February you can definately do 35 by the end of this year!

    You know you can always talk to me about ur struggles, and that was why I made that FB page, you always have somewhere to go and people to talk to that wont judge you and that will give you advice and love


    ME----The one in the middle!

  2. I have about 30 pounds to lose myself. Does not seem like much, but at the same time isn't as easy to lose like before. Thank you for joining Mama's Little Nestwork! Make sure to visit each week and make comments. It is a great group of bloggers! Welcome to the Nestwork!

    Mama Hen
